Appendix B. Definitions of corporate data protection malpractices

Category/ Subcategory

Definition (Organizations violate the GDPR WHEN they…)

Breaches of data protection obligations (A)

Inadequate information obligations (A1)

Fail to provide necessary information about data controller or processer as well as the collection, processing, transfer and protection of personal data

Inadequate data risk assessment obligations (A2)

Lack sufficient assessment of the data risks before and during data handling practices

Inadequate corporate oversight obligations (A3)

Lack the data protection officer who can independently manage and oversee internal data protection practices

Inadequate cooperation obligations (A4)

Lack cooperation with the supervisory authority

Inadequate notification obligations (A5)

Fail to notify the data subject and data protection authority of a data breach, the appointment of a data protection officer and any data or data processing changes in time

Data harvesting (B)

Unauthorized data harvesting (B1)

Harvest personal data without knowledge and consent of the data subjects

Excessive data harvesting (B2)

Harvest more personal data than necessary in relation to the claimed purposes

Forced Consent (B3)

Force data subjects to give consent to the harvesting and processing of personal data

Improper procedure for informed consent (B4)

Request for consent in an improper way

Unfulfilled request for consent revocation (B5)

Fail to follow up data subjects’ requests for revoking consent

Data fraud (B6)

Forge personal data for some purposes

Data storage (C)

Unauthorized access to personal data (C1)

Access or grant third party access to stored personal data without knowledge and consent of the data subjects

Excessive access to personal data (C2)

Grant much access to personal data than necessary in relation to the claimed purposes

Unfulfilled request for data access (C3)

Fail to follow up data subjects’ requests for access to the stored personal data

Unfulfilled request for data rectification (C4)

Fail to follow up data subjects’ requests for rectification of the stored personal data

Unfulfilled request for data deletion (C5)

Fail to follow up data subjects’ requests for deletion of the stored personal data

Insecure data storage (C6)

Store personal data without sufficient security measures

Excessive data storage (C7)

Store personal data longer than necessary in relation to the claimed purposes

Data processing (D)

Secondary use of personal data (D1)

Use personal data for purposes other than the original claimed purpose

Unauthorized data processing (D2)

Process personal data without knowledge and consent of the data subjects

Excessive data processing (D3)

Process more personal data than what is necessary in relation to the processing purposes

Unfulfilled request for objection to data processing (D4)

Fail to follow up data subjects' requests for objection to data processing

Insecure data processing (D5)

Process personal data without sufficient security measures

Erroneous data processing (D6)

Process personal data in an inaccurate way

Data transfer (E)

Unauthorized data transfer (E1)

Transfer personal data without knowledge and consent of the data subjects

Insecure data transfer (E2)

Transfer personal data without sufficient security measures

Data selling (E3)

Sell personal data to third parties

Data disposal (F)

Insecure data disposal (F1)

Dispose documents containing personal data without sufficient security measures